Monday, May 8, 2017

Pre work for the Last Day of class

1.) If our class were to continue I would say our mission would be to learn about effective work skills in order to give us the best success down the road in our future jobs.  Our vision would be to discuss as many important topics as possible in order to expand our understanding of the important qualities of an effective worker. Our values are dedication, engagement, and quality learning.

2.) As an Individual I could have participated a little more in class while going over the presentations. I improved from the beginning half of the class but I could still engage a little more than I did.

3.) I think that the process that could really have improved the class would have been to sign a contract stating the responsibilities of every individual. I feel like this would make everyone do the same amount of work especially if there were consequences for not reaching the certain deadlines. Also, I feel like we could have been more organized with the syllabus and expectations. Personally it sometimes felt like we didn't know what the true expectations were.

4.) The one idea that I could think of that would improve the open ped model would be to enforce the use of more library books or data base articles. While Harvard Business Review articles are still scholarly, I feel like finding other sources could have been helpful as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Logan, I like your point #4. I can say that Kyle and I never went to the library to research our topic. We did our scholarly sources online. I really enjoyed the presentation by that woman from the library (?) in the beginning of the semester. I did not realize how much access to free online scholarly sources we have as students! I hope that doesn't go away once I graduate!
