Thursday, March 2, 2017

Personality and the class im directing

Next Monday my partner and I are directing our class in a topic based around personality in the workplace. As we are almost done with the power point and class activities, I realized how much research and information there  actually is revolving personality types in the work place, especially in the health care field. While researching, we found many different group activities that have been conducted in the past but we wanted to come up with something original and unique. I'm not going to give up what activity we came up with until Monday when I reflect on how the class actually went. On the other hand I wanted to discuss the pre work we sent out to the class to arrive with completed and ready to discuss come class time. We sent out two articles, one that my professor sent to us and one that Harvard business review conducted, to really set up the basic building blocks that my classmates need in order to engage effectively in the class discussion. Also, we sent out six different questions/activities that we think would be a unique way to learn about personality as a whole. The first step is having someone close to you, a parent or family member, take the MBTI test for you and see how the results compared to what they came up for themselves. I think that this will yield some pretty interesting results because individuals can perceive themselves completely different than what other people close to them might actually think about them. For example, my parents would definitely view me as even more introverted than the results that I personally took gave to me. Also, they don't see me at school and how I interact with my peers, which could produce some interesting results based on how they THINK I would act in those situations. The second step is very similar to the one mentioned above. Instead of a parent or family member taking the MBTI test for you, we thought that having a close friend complete it would be intriguing as well. After both tests are completed we want our peers to compare the results and see what matches and what doesn't. I think it would be pretty eye opening to see how a friend or parent thinks of you, compared to the actual image you have of yourself. The third step we have is for our classmates to look up their horoscope and see if the traits that the MBTI gave them matches up with the message they were given. I'm a Scorpio and the horoscope I was given today was "You may feel hemmed in by the role models society currently offers. As you struggle to reach your own definition of the truly innovative achiever, other people sometimes criticize your rather liberated attitude. Just because your ideas aren't in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them. If your ideas are too radical, theirs are too conventional. There's room for both viewpoints." This horoscope doesn't match up identically to the traits that the MBTI gave me but some parts of it are true. I tend to have differing opinions on topics compared to other individuals, but as mentioned above, it doesn't mean that I'm wrong, it just means  there's room to argue both sides of the opinion. The fourth step is asking our peers what statements we provided with them match the best with their personality type. The two statements are "I feel like I control my own destiny and what happens to me is my own doing" and "I feel like things happen to me because of fate, luck or a powerful being." Personally, I relate to the first statement the most because I've always believed that good or bad situations are brought to me based on destiny and that they were going to happen anyway. The fifth step is asking what big five trait is most desired in the workplace and why they think this trait is the most important. If I had to answer I would choose openness as the most desired trait in the workplace. I believe this because communication with other co workers is crucial and the health care field isn't written in black and white which means being open to others ideas is crucial in running an effective health care business. Lastly, to have a little fun we found an activity that had us state whether we relate to Flanders, Stewie, House, Or Darth Sidious. I relate to Flanders the most because I'm fairly easy going and tend to go with the flow more than I should sometimes. Overall I believe this pre work will really help the class engage in the topic of personality in the workplace.


  1. Looking forward to your class - this sounds like fun!

  2. I agree with you that openness is one of the most desired traits in the work place, as you said it is very important to be able to communicate with your co workers.

  3. You guys did a great job. I have to admit upon reflection that I have played all four characters at different times. I'd like to think that I am on the left side (giver) most of the time, but I know I have played the taker at times as well. Discipline and self-awareness can keep us on the left.
